Course Details

Course Summary
This course is for individuals who wish to learn how to create a simple web page, as well as html properties, html layouts, CSS, syntax, how digital images work, color modes, actions, and scripts, overview of the selection, working with adjustment layers and filters, publishing, editing audio on the timeline, creating animated effects with key-frames and exporting your movie. This course is best suited for anyone with some basic knowledge of web site and page design, such as high school and university students who wish to conduct coursework or someone who is already working in web design. Exercises in the laboratory are mandatory, have a deadline, and are graded. The course lays a high emphasis on lab exercises as software programming can only be learned successfully by precisely putting the principles that have been taught into practice. Exercises submitted after the deadline will have a penalty in terms of overall score. Instructors may provide relevant lecture/lab notes to students as (and when) needed, either in the form of printed handouts or by email.
Required Textbooks
1. Irene Hammerich and Claire Harrisson, “Developing Online Content”, Wiley.
2. T. Richardson and C. Thies, “Multimedia Web Design and Development”, Mercury Learning and Information.
3. Prabhat K. Andleigh, “Multimedia Systems Design”, Pearson.
Completion Criteria
After fulfilling all of the following criteria, the student will be deemed to have finished the Module:
1. Has attended 90% of all classes held
2. Has received an average grade of 80% on all assignments
3. Has received an average of 60% in assessments
4. The tutor believes the student has grasped all of the concepts and is ready to go on to the second module.